Ms. Lorena Martinez-Zavala » sub letter

sub letter

Dear Sub,

Thank you for being here. The following is a schedule of our school day. I hope you have a great day. If there are any problems please write me a note.

8:05- Open the classroom door. Children come in and write in their journals which are located at the front of the room in a white basket. You will pick a picture card from the box up front. (please pick pictures that they can write the word for i.e. cat, dog, pig, etc) During this time, after students are finished with journals they will bring it up and read it to you. They get a book while waiting for others to finish. They write in their journals until 8:30 a.m.

8:30 Opening
Take attendance. After attendance do the calendar together. Sing the days of the week song. Say in complete sentences: Today is …………….., Yesterday was ……………., Tomorrow will be …………..

After calendar do Language Art from California Treasures (oral language, share the big book, phonemic awareness etc.)

9:15-9:30 After completing California Treasures please take time to explain the work students will do at centers. Please make sure to demonstrate how to do it in front of them. Show them step by step. After introducing centers please ask students to line up by the door and dismiss them to recess.

Recess 9:30-9:50 please go and pick up students after recess.

Centers 9:50- 11:15 After recess students come in and sit on rug and you will dismiss each group to go to their center. Every center is about about 15 minutes. Every group will visit each center. Center 2 is teacher directed. The groups are triangles, rectangles, squares and circles. Most of center work usually goes home unless noted otherwise.

Center 1 ______________________________________________________

Center 2 ______________________________________________________

Center 3 ______________________________________________________

Center 4 ______________________________________________________
After centers students will line up by the last table they worked at and you will dismiss them by group to line up by the door where you will dismiss them to go to lunch.

11:20-11:58 Your lunch
After lunch please go and pick up students.

12:00-12:30 On Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri
After lunch students come in and sit on the rug. You will introduce the math lesson. After the math lesson has been introduced, you will do the math activity together (as large group).

12:30-1:00 Go to Computer Lab (M,T,W)
12:00-12:30 (Friday)

1:00-1:45 ELD (whole group)

1:45- 2:05 Dismissal
Dismiss each student to get his/her backpack and papers from cubbies. They will line up by the door and you will walk them through the gate and out to their parents. If parents are not there, you will walk the students outside the library and leave them there with the teacher that is on duty.

Thursday Library 12:15-12:45 (No computer lab today)
After library you will do math whole group.

12:45-1:15 Math (whole group)

1:15-2:00 ELD

2:05 Dismissal

Thank you for your help. Hope you enjoy