School Profile
"All about McKibben"
Certificated Staff
- 1 Principal
- 1 Teaching Vice Principal
- 1 Instructional Coach
- 14 General Education
- 2 Special Education Teacher (M/M) Tk-2 and 3-5
- 1 RSP fully credentialed Teacher
- 1 part time Psychologist
- 1 Speech and Language Specialist
- 2 Speech and Language Assistants
Classified Staff
- 1 Secretary
- 1 Health Clerk
- 2 Custodians
- 1 Cafeteria Lead
- 2 Cafeteria Helpers
- 1 TK Paraprofessional Aide
- 1 Paraprofessional/RSP Aide
- 3 Paraprofessional Special Ed Aide
- 3 Certificated Intervention Teachers
- 1 Part-time Classified Intervention Aide
- 1 Morning Duty Aide
- 3 Noon Duty Aides
- 1 Library Clerk
- 1:1 Chromebooks - grades Tk-6
- 2:1 iPads-grades TK - 2
- Modernized library
- Air-conditioned classrooms, cafeteria, library, and computer lab
- New security lighting
- Upgraded carpet in all buildings and outdoor paint
- Newly installed window shades
Instructional Programs
- Dual Immersion Program (Spanish): Kindergarten- 4th grade
- Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
- Specific, targeted language instruction
- Thinking Maps
- Writing Workshop
- School-wide character building program: Second Step
- Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
- School-wide technology-based programs- Accelerated Reader, My-On, Think Central, School City, and Google
- Top School in L.A. County - awarded by Innovate (2020)
- Top Elementary School - awarded by US News and Report (2022)
- Silver PBIS Recognition (2022)