Discipline Plan
Dear Parents,
I will be using a Clip Chart for behavior management. The chart consists of seven colors as shown below. Every student will start each day on Ready to Learn. If I see wonderful behavior, the students will move their clip up the chart. Students will receive incentives for following the rules and good behavior.
• Awards
• Positive postcards or phone calls
• Prizes
• Verbal Praise
A good environment requires the following behaviors:
1. Stay on Task
2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
3. One person speaks at a time
4. Follow Directions
5. Respect others and their property
On the other hand, students will move their clips down the chart for poor behavior.
PINK- Outstanding (Positive reward)
PURPLE- Great Job
BLUE-Good Day
GREEN- Ready to Learn (Start here each day)
YELLOW- Think About It (Warning)
ORANGE- Teacher’s Choice (Bye-bye or loss of recess)
RED- Parent Contact (Written letter by student and detention or
see the principal)
Severe Clause- Immediate office visit
Please review the rules and all the consequences with your child. I look forward to sending many positive rewards home.
Mrs. Llamas
I have reviewed the rules with my child.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Student signature Parent signature
Estimados Padres/Guardianes,
I will be using a Clip Chart for behavior management. The chart consists of seven colors as shown below. Every student will start each day on Ready to Learn. If I see wonderful behavior, the students will move their clip up the chart. Students will receive incentives for following the rules and good behavior.
• Los Premios
• Llamada telefonica positiva
• Aprecia
• El elogio verbal
Un ambiente bueno require las conductas siguientes:
6. Permanezca en la tarea
7. Mantienen manos, los pies y los objetos a usted mismo
8. Una persona habla a la vez
9. Siga las direcciones
10. Respete los otros y su propiedad
Si un estudiante escoge romper una regal, estos son las consecuencias negativas:
ROSITA- Outstanding (Positive reward)
MORADO- Great Job
AZUL-Good Day
VERDE- Ready to Learn (Start here each day)
AMARILLO- Think About It (Warning)
ARANAJADO- Teacher’s Choice (Bye-bye or loss of recess)
ROJO- Parent Contact (Written letter by student and detention or
see the principal)
Severe Clause- Immediate office visit
Revise por favor las reglas y todas las consecuencias con su nino. Espero mandar muchas recompensas positivas.
Mrs. Llamas
He reviasdo las reglas con mi nino.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Firma de estudiante Firma de padres
Dear Parents,
I will be using a Clip Chart for behavior management. The chart consists of seven colors as shown below. Every student will start each day on Ready to Learn. If I see wonderful behavior, the students will move their clip up the chart. Students will receive incentives for following the rules and good behavior.
• Awards
• Positive postcards or phone calls
• Prizes
• Verbal Praise
A good environment requires the following behaviors:
1. Stay on Task
2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
3. One person speaks at a time
4. Follow Directions
5. Respect others and their property
On the other hand, students will move their clips down the chart for poor behavior.
PINK- Outstanding (Positive reward)
PURPLE- Great Job
BLUE-Good Day
GREEN- Ready to Learn (Start here each day)
YELLOW- Think About It (Warning)
ORANGE- Teacher’s Choice (Bye-bye or loss of recess)
RED- Parent Contact (Written letter by student and detention or
see the principal)
Severe Clause- Immediate office visit
Please review the rules and all the consequences with your child. I look forward to sending many positive rewards home.
Mrs. Llamas
I have reviewed the rules with my child.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Student signature Parent signature
Estimados Padres/Guardianes,
I will be using a Clip Chart for behavior management. The chart consists of seven colors as shown below. Every student will start each day on Ready to Learn. If I see wonderful behavior, the students will move their clip up the chart. Students will receive incentives for following the rules and good behavior.
• Los Premios
• Llamada telefonica positiva
• Aprecia
• El elogio verbal
Un ambiente bueno require las conductas siguientes:
6. Permanezca en la tarea
7. Mantienen manos, los pies y los objetos a usted mismo
8. Una persona habla a la vez
9. Siga las direcciones
10. Respete los otros y su propiedad
Si un estudiante escoge romper una regal, estos son las consecuencias negativas:
ROSITA- Outstanding (Positive reward)
MORADO- Great Job
AZUL-Good Day
VERDE- Ready to Learn (Start here each day)
AMARILLO- Think About It (Warning)
ARANAJADO- Teacher’s Choice (Bye-bye or loss of recess)
ROJO- Parent Contact (Written letter by student and detention or
see the principal)
Severe Clause- Immediate office visit
Revise por favor las reglas y todas las consecuencias con su nino. Espero mandar muchas recompensas positivas.
Mrs. Llamas
He reviasdo las reglas con mi nino.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Firma de estudiante Firma de padres