School Policies » Discipline Policy

Discipline Policy

In order to grow educationally, socially and emotionally, children need to be in an environment in which, there is a concerned teacher who will set firm, consistent, positive limits while providing warmth and support for appropriate behavior. Children need to know what response there will be to their behavior, both positive and negative. It is only then that the child will be in the position to choose how s/he will behave. When, however, behavior disrupts the educational program or safety rules are broken, other consequences must occur.

Positive Reinforcement:
When children make appropriate choices, they will receive positive reinforcement through praise, rewards and awards. In addition, there are monthly award receptions in which teacher award “Student of the Month, Special Recognition, and Citizenship Awards”, for students who are exemplary and who have made a special effort to improve. Honor Roll awards are presented each quarter for students in grades 4 – 6 who receive a 3.5 grade point average and receive no “U” or “N’s” in effort, citizenship or work habits.

Negative Reinforcement:
When a student earns negative consequences, those behaviors are reported to the teacher. The teacher then takes action based on the classroom discipline plan. In addition, the parent may be contacted with a “ticket”, “note” or “phone call”. Some consequences may include, benching, detention, loss of recess playtime, suspension from class or time out. If the offense is serious the teacher will contact parents and the child may be referred to the principal.